Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Georgia on my mind..."

I have a confession to post....I'm not a very good blogger :) ! Sorry Stephen would be so much better at writing these but he's a very busy man, where as me.....well let's just say I'm doing the wifely thing! Is wifely even a word? Ok, so finally Stephen and I are down here in Georgia together, it's been about a month and we have loved every minute of it! Stephen is in the second part of his training for the summer, which is the longest of the two parts of the summer.

His day usually goes like this:
5:20a wake up
6:00a PT time
7:30a back home for breakfast
9:00a report back for training
11:30 come home for lunch(usually, a lot of times he is out in the shooting range, simulations, lots of different stuff)
1:00p report back for more training
5:00 home for the evening( sometimes its even later)
9:00p bed time

Then we basically only have a few short hours together before bed time. He works SO hard for us and I'm so very thankful for him. We actually have had it pretty nice, getting to see him for every meal! Really helps to break up the day.

Now, as for MY schedule haha:
6:00a- tell husband goodbye, I fall back to sleep for awhile
7:30a- Stephen gets back from PT where I make him coffee and breakfast
8:45a- I drive Stephen to his training, then I head to the gym to work out!
10:30- done with the workout and head home to shower(usually, haha)
(this is when things start to get a little different from day to day)
11:00- home with Stephen for lunch
1:00- usually do laundry 2-3 times a week, play with our kitten Josephine*(our kitten pictured at the bottom!), go to the public library, think of something to make for dinner, read, watch food network, clean, get ready for stephen to come home for the evening and sometimes go to the grocery store here on post.
5:00 wait for Stephen to come home for dinner :)

I am really enjoying my time down here right now. I LOVE taking care of my husband, fixing him meals, doing his laundry etc etc. It's also fun being in a different part of the country for a little while! Being down South has been fun! We are still on the hunt for a good church, but this coming up Sunday we are going to be visiting Morningside Baptist Church! We're very excited, they even do outdoor baptisms like TBC! We do miss our friends and families very much and look forward to being home in the late fall! As for now, I must be off. Food Network is getting the best of me!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

absence makes the heart grow MUCH fonder

Stephen and I have been married now for 46 days :) little more than a month. things have been wonderful. things have also been tough because Stephen is in Georgia right now and has been for about 5 weeks. long story short, I get to be with him at the end of July and I cannot wait. I can't wait to cook, do laundry, clean make a home down there with him. I'm also excited to get down there and make some friends and experience a different part of the country for awhile.

Last weekend was the 4th of July and my birthday! Stephen came up on Friday and was here through the weekend. We had a whirlwind of a weekend but it was incredibly wonderful having him here, in our home. Speaking of which, I should post pictures of our condo! It pretty much all set to go and looks very homey! Ok, here we go.This is our living room :) old couches but with some lovely slip covers. Annoying little things but they sure do the trick. This is our BEAUTIFUL new shower. When we moved in, Stephen found out there was water damage behind our old shower, so we gutted it and started working hard to fix it. Stephen got a lot of the work done before the wedding but we needed a little help from our friends to get it done. Lance and Sam worked SO hard to get it done before we got home from our honeymoon.

Kitchen or at least one side of it.this is where I get ready everyday! I love it :)
My favorite room in the whole condo. It's just beautiful and yes...that is purple paint :)

So there you go, just a few pictures of our humble home. It fits us very well at this point in our lives.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

46 and counting......

about 46 hours ago on Sunday afternoon I said goodbye to my husband of only about 2 and a half weeks. Stephen is in training down in Georgia with the Army Guard and will be for the next 6ish months! Little old me gets to come back to Kansas for 6 weeks to unpack all of the many items we left after the move to the condo. All of the gifts need to be sorted through, my things need to be unpacked, the office needs MAJOR organizing and the list goes on. Now don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the distraction and the amount of work here, it's just a bummer not being with my husband.

On a lighter note, we absolutely LOVE being married. I never realized how much of a blessing and gift marriage is. Going to bed and waking up every morning(in most cases :) ) with the person God has chosen for you, your perfect mate, it's a beautiful thing!

Monday, May 11, 2009

married in 11 days?!

This will be a blog of our new married life together! On May 22 Stephen and I will be married in Topeka at a beautiful gazebo :)

But first of all I (elisabeth) must finish this LAST week of work! woohoo! It will be bittersweet for I have come to love some of my customers dearly. They have been such a blessing in my life for the past year and a half. But i'll LOVE not waking up before the sun!

Stephen and I have been in the process of moving into our new home. Stephen owns a condo here in town so we've spent the last week moving his things. UGGGGGH and then we'll start moving mine here in the next week or so, haha.

But yesterday was the most perfect sermon for us to hear :) It was about not being anxious and how to just give it all to God. To make a long story short, it was a good wake up call for both of us considering Stephen sold his house, moved, has finals this week, graduation this weekend and then wedding week! whew. yikes. Ok, more updates later!